Danas sam odlucila da upotrebim moje tri omiljene boje tirkiznu, mint i zelenu tj tri omiljena laka Rimmel 60 Seconds 825 Sky High, Essie Mint Candy Apple i Rimmel 60 Seconds 835 Bright Back At You i napravim water marble. Moje vezbanje ove tehnike se isplatilo, jer sam radeci nokte danas napravila najmanje nereda nego sto sam ikad ranije i skoro da nisam imala nikakvih problema. Imam par mehurica na srednjem prstu, ali to je zato sto sam zurila i nisam bila bas strpljiva. :]
Today I decided to use three of my favourite colours turquoise, mint and green or my three favourite polishes Rimmel 60 Seconds 825 Sky High, Essie Mint Candy Apple and Rimmel 60 Seconds 835 Bright Back At You and make water marble. Because I practiced this technique a lot today I've done It very fast and almost perfect, without a lot of mess. I just have a few bubbles on my middle finger but It's because I was in a hurry. :]
Today I decided to use three of my favourite colours turquoise, mint and green or my three favourite polishes Rimmel 60 Seconds 825 Sky High, Essie Mint Candy Apple and Rimmel 60 Seconds 835 Bright Back At You and make water marble. Because I practiced this technique a lot today I've done It very fast and almost perfect, without a lot of mess. I just have a few bubbles on my middle finger but It's because I was in a hurry. :]
I dodala sam malo Aura Inches 321 Techno laka cisto zbog sljokica.
And I added a little bit of Aura Inches 321 Techno nail polish because of the shimmer.