10 Jan 2015

Purple Flowers Nail Design - Born Pretty Store Water Decals And Nail Art Brushes

Pre par meseci sam vam na Any Rainbow Facebook stranici pokazala nove stvarcice poslate na recenziju sa Born Pretty Store sajta. Danas vam pisem o setu cetkica za nail art i o "vodenim nalepnicama" za nokte.

A few months ago I showed you on Any Rainbow Facebook page what I got from Born Pretty Store for review. Today I'm writing about nail art brushes and water decals

Dizajn nalepnica je jako lep, ljubicasto cvece je u pitanju. Trenutno kostaju 1.59$. Sta su vodene nalepnice i kako se koriste objasnila sam u ovom postu. Medjutim ove su malo drugacije jer se seku, tako da za svaki nokat imate po jednu i nemate prostora za greske. Pre upotrebe ovakvih nalepnica obavezno skinite providnu foliju, isecite ih i dalje radite po uputstvu koje je takodje prikazano na poledjini, s tim da je nepotrebno susiti fenom za kosu. Nanosenje moze biti nezgodno jer je nalepnica velika i jako se lako izguzva na noktu, tako da i na to morate paziti. Ukoliko imate visak nalepnice na noktu, pazljivo je otklonite cetkicom i acetonom. Manikir zavrsite providnim lakom ili nadlakom. 

Design of these water decals is very pretty, It's purple flowers. Currently It costs 1.59$. I explained in this post what are water decals and how to use them. However these are a bit different because you have to cut them and have a sticker for each nail, so there is no space for mistakes. Before you use them you have to remove transparent foil, cut them to fit your nails and then just apply as suggested or you can see instructions on the back, except there is no need to blow dry your nails. Applying can be difficult because sticker is so big that It crumples very easily on the nail, so you have to be careful. If you have excess sticker on your nail just gently remove it with brush and acetone. Finish your manicure with top coat. 

Problem se javlja kada je vasa nokatna ploca veca od nalepnice koja joj je predvidjena. Odgovaraju samo devojkama sa malim nokatnim plocama i kracim noktima. Jednostavno ne izgleda lepo izbliza kada neki deo nokta ostane bez dizajna. Ja sam ih na moje nokte jedva stavila, cak sam morala da uzmem i nalepnice predvidjene za drugu ruku ali sam i dalje imala prazne delove sto cete na slikama i moci da vidite. Tako da obratite paznju na to pri kupovini ovakvih stikera. 

You can have a problem with this water decals when your nail plate is bigger than the sticker made for it. They will fit girls with small nail plates and shorter nails. It just doesn't look nice up close when there are some uncovered nail parts. I could barely fit them on my nails and I even had to take some that are made for my other hand, but I still had some uncovered parts that you will be able to see in the photos. So be aware of that when buying this kind of nail decorations.  

Sto se cetkica tice, dolaze u setu od cetiri. Tri se uglavnom koriste za razne linije a cetvrta se moze koristiti za svasta od nail art-a do uklanjanja laka sa zanoktica. Trenutno kostaju 3.44$. Drske su, cini mi se, drvene i jako lepo i devojacki ukrasene. Vrlo su tanke i duge 17cm. Metalni delovi su zlatne i srebrne boje i imam utisak da su cetkice krhe i slabo zalepljene. Sto se tice dlacica nemam zamerki, super rade posao. Namenjene su akrilnim bojama jer ih aceton unistava i ako ih koristite s lakovima kao ja, nece vam dugo trajati. 

As for the brushes, they come in a pack of four. Three are liner brushes used for all kinds of lines and the fourth one can be used for anything, from nail art to removing polish from your cuticles. Currently they cost 3.44$. It seems that 17cm long handles are wooden and very thin. They are very nicely and girly decorated. Metal parts are in silver and gold color. I have impression that brushes are easily breakable because parts are not glued well together. As for the bristles I don't have any complaints, they do the job very well. These brushes are mainly for acrylic paints because acetone will destroy them with time and they won't last as long.

Pored nalepnica i cetkica za linije i cvece koristila sam i sledece lakove. Golden Rose Gel Look Top Coat, Flormar 425, Essense Colour And Go 42 Dress For A Moment and Londessa  Color Line 95.

With water decals and liner brush, also the brush for flowers I used these nail polishes. Golden Rose Gel Look Top Coat, Flormar 425, Essence Colour And Go 42 Dress For A Moment and Londessa Color Line 95.

A evo i kako je ispao manikir!

And here is the manicure!

Born Pretty Store dostavlja besplatno sirom sveta a mozete i iskoristiti kod FGB10 za 10% popusta

Do sledeceg posta... <3

Born Pretty Store is shipping all over the world for free and you can use coupon code FGB10 for 10% off

Until next post... <3

6 Jan 2015

Let It Snow - Snowflakes Nail Design

Kod mene je pao i drugi sneg, nazalost nedovoljno za igranje, ali nadam se da ce ga biti jos, zima je tek pocela! Zato sam se malo poigrala sa jos jednom plocicom sa pahuljicama, ovog puta sa Born Pretty Store. O ovoj plocici vec sam pisala u ovom postu gde sam koristila srca. Kao sto sam vec pisala, ova plocica je jako dobra i nadam se da cu vam je pokazati u jos nekom postu u buducnosti. Kosta 2.99$ i mozete iskoristiti kod FGB10 za 10% popusta pri kupovini, postarina je takodje besplatna!

We had a second snow-fall here, but unfortunately It's still not enough for playing, but It's ok there is still time! So, I decided to play around with one more winter themed stamping plate, this time from Born Pretty Store. I already did a review on this plate, when I used hearts, and you can read It here. As I said, this stamping plate is really good and I hope I will have a chance to show It to you a few more times in the future. It costs 2.99$ and you can use coupon code FGB10 for 10% off your purchase and shipping is free too! 

Lakovi koje sam koristila su Don Juan French Manicure lak iz seta za francuski manikir, kao podlogu, za pecatiranje koristila sam kao i u prethodnom postu Essence Marble Mania 03 Silver Twister i Golden Rose Gel Look Top Coat. Takodje sam koristila i pribor za pecatiranje iz kineske radnje. Moram da naglasim da je ovaj pecat previse mali za dizajn koji ide preko celog nokta, pa se iz tog razloga slicice ne prenose najbolje.

Polishes that I used are Don Juan French Manicure as a base color, for stamping I used the same polish as in previous post Essence Marble Mania 03 Silver Twister and Golden Rose Gel Look Top Coat. I also used stamper and scraper bought at Chinese store. I have to mention that this stamper isn't good for pictures that go all over the nail, so design isn't as perfect as It can be.

A evo i kako je ispalo. Nadam se da vam se dopada! ^____^

And this is how It turned out, I hope you like It! ^____^ 

Ukoliko me pratite na Facebook stranici verovatno ste mogli da vidite moju novu NYX Box of smokey looks collection paletu koju sam dobila za Novu godinu od meni najdraze osobe na svetu. <3 Posto sam ja odusevljena paletom i rado bih pisala o njoj, zelim da znam koliko vas zanima njena recenzija i svocevi? :) Citamo se uskoro! :*

If you are following me on my Facebook page you have probably seen my new NYX Box of smokey looks collection palette I got from my dearest person in the world. <3 Since I really love this palette and would enjoy to write about it, I want to know are you interested in review and swatches? :) Talk to you soon! :*