Pre nego sto sa vama podelim moje utiske o prajmeru iz Oriflame-a, zelim da vas obavestim da sam pre otprilike dva meseca ostvarila saradnju sa sajtom Born Pretty Store i da cu od njih povremeno dobijati po neki proizvod za nokte za recenziju, jeeej! ^_^ Izabrala sam tri stvari za ukrasavanje noktiju, medjutim prvi paketic se negde zagubio, pa su poslali jos jedan, koji je stigao juce, malcice drugacijeg, ali i dalje preslatkog sadrzaja!
Before I share my review of primer from Oriflame, I want to tell you guys that two months ago I have been contacted by Born Pretty Store. So every now and then I will receive a few nail decorations to do a review on, yaaay! ^_^ For the beginning I chose three things, but unfortunately first package got lost, so they kindly sent another one that I got just yesterday! This one is a bit different than the one I should have originally get, but It's just as cute!
Before I share my review of primer from Oriflame, I want to tell you guys that two months ago I have been contacted by Born Pretty Store. So every now and then I will receive a few nail decorations to do a review on, yaaay! ^_^ For the beginning I chose three things, but unfortunately first package got lost, so they kindly sent another one that I got just yesterday! This one is a bit different than the one I should have originally get, but It's just as cute!
Vodene nalepnice su jedino sto je stiglo drugacije, iako sam htela druge ove su jednako simpaticne! Zatim ovaj sareni tockic sa neon kruzicima i zvezdama i plocica za pecatiranje sa raznim srcima i ovim preslatkim pahuljicama, zbog kojih jedva cekam zimu! :D <3 U nekom od narednih postova videcete ove proizvode. Ukoliko nesto zelite da vidite pre, pisite mi u komentarima!
I chose a sheet of skull water decals, and that's different skulls from what I wanted, but still I like this one too! Than I received a wheel of cute neon studs and a stamping plate with hearts and aaadorable snowflakes, and now I can't wait for the winter to come! :D <3 In coming posts you will see these products. If you want to see some first, tell me in the comments!
Da se vratim prajmeru ili bazi za sminku iz Very Me kolekcije. Baza sluzi da pripremi lice za nanosenje pudera i druge sminke na lice. U zavisnosti od njenog sastava moze da matira lice ili da da zdrav sjaj kozi, popuni fine linije i pore, produzi postojanost sminke i ucini da se puder lakse nanosi i razmazuje. Nanosi se posle hidratantne kreme, odnosno vase nege lica, a pre bilo kakvog pudera.
Dugo sam htela da probam neku, medjutim nisam primetila mnogo baza po parfimerijama po pristupacnoj ceni. Na ovu sam slucajno naletela listajuci Oriflame katalog i narucila po ceni od 299 dinara na snizenju.
So, let's get back to primer or make up base from Very Me collection. Make up base is used to prepare your skin for foundation and other make up. Depending on it's ingredients It can give a nice glow to the skin or mattify It, fill in fine lines and pores, prolong staying power, and make foundation application easier and smoother. It should be applied after your regular skin care and before foundation.
I wanted to try affordable make up primer for a long time, but just could not find any. I found this one suddenly in Oriflame catalogue on sale for 299 RSD.
Dolazi u plasticnoj, pljosnatoj tubici od 30 ml, sto je sasvim solidna kolicina. Ima uzak otvor koji jako lepo dozira proizvod. Sam proizvod je bele boje, a kada se nanese potpuno je providan tako da odgovara svakom tenu. Pod prstima je mastan, ne kao da ima silikon, vec bas mastan. Koza ga lepo upija, cak i malo hidrira, medjutim ostavlja mastan, lepljiv trag i sjaj na licu. Ima prijatan miris.
It comes in flat, plastic tube of 30 ml which is very good amount. It has nice opening hole, which doses the product perfectly. Product itself is white, but It gets clear once It's applied so It matches every skin tone. Under fingers It feels oily, not like silicone oily, but really oily. Skin absorbs It very nicely, It even hydrates a bit, but It leaves that oiliness, shine and It is sticky on the face. It smells nice too.
Moja koza je masna, dehidrirana i povremeno se javi neki malo suvlji deo. Cesto je i problematicna zbog disbalansa hormona s kojim se borim vec dugo. Trebala mi je baza koja ce mi produziti postojanost pudera, matirati ali ne i isusiti kozu. Ova definitivno ne matira, ne produzuje mi trajanje sminke a nisam primetila ni da popuni pore. Nije mi iritirala kozu niti izazvala jos bubuljica. Posto je lepljiva, kao sto sam rekla, moguce je da se puder takodje prilepi za kozu i bolje "sedne". Definitivno nije baza za nas sa masnom i kombinovanom kozom, ali bi mogla biti okej za normalan i suv tip. Sastav ove baze ne razumem, tako da i ne znam sta bi tacno trebalo da pruzi, ali nisam zadovoljna i koristim je samo da bih je potrosila.
I have oily skin, dehydrated and sometimes I get dry patches. Often It's problematic because I'm dealing with hormonal disbalance for a long time. I needed a base which can prolong my foundation staying power, mattify my skin but don't dry it out. This one is definitely not mattifying, It doesn't prolong staying power of make up and I didn't noticed that It blurs pores. It didn't irritate my skin or caused any more pimples. Because It's sticky, as I said, foundation might stick to skin and "sit" better. This is not a base for oily or combined skin type, but It might be okay for those with normal or dry skin. I don't understand the ingredients of this product so I'm not sure how It's supposed to work. I'm not happy how It works on my skin, but I will keep using it just so I don't waste money.
- Oko 300 RSD, 30ml.
- Prijatnog mirisa.
- Prakticno pakovanje.
- Mozda bi odgovaralo normalnoj i suvoj kozi, ako imate masnu ili kombinovanu preskocite.
- Masne konzistencije.
- Ne bih je kupila opet.
- Ocena 2/5.
- 300 RSD, 30ml.
- Pleasant scent.
- Practical packaging.
- It might work on normal and dry skin, If you have oily or combined skin type skip this one.
- Oily consistence.
- I wouldn't buy It again.
- Rate 2/5.
Nadam se da vam se dopada ova recenzija i malo drugaciji post. Takodje se nadam da sam sve pokrila, ako sam nesto izostavila podsetite me u komentarima. Do sledeceg posta. . . <3
I hope you liked this review and a bit different post than usual. I also hope I covered everything, If you think I missed something write me in the comments. Until next post. . . <3