28 Aug 2013

KKCenterHK Review

Danas vam predstavljam dva proizvoda koja sam dobila na recenziju od KKCenterHK a to su plocica za pecatiranje, pecat i "strugac" viska laka. Uskoro bi trebalo da dobijem jos par njihovih proizvoda zbog kojih sam jako uzbudjena i jedva cekam da ih isprobam i pokazem vam! ^_^

Today I will show you two products I got from KKCenterHK and that is stamping plate, stamper and scraper. Soon I will receive a few more their products that I'm really excited about and can't wait to try and show them to you! ^_^

Ova plocica je jedna od dublje izrezbarenih sa sajta, to je jedan od razloga sto sam bas nju izabrala a drugi je naravno motiv tj slicice koje su savrsene za praznike, jer nemam nista za taj period. Nazalost prosle godine u to vreme nisam mogla da vam je predstavim jer nisam imala lepe nokte ali se nadam da cu ove godine moci. Sve slicice se lepo prenose na pecat i nokat. Plocica kosta 5.05 USD dolara. Evo kako se otprilike prenose slicice na papir. Lak koji sam koristila je Golden Rose Paris 71.

This image plate is one with the deeper pictures and that's one of the reasons I choose It, second is the pictures of course, because I don't have any Christmas themed nail art stuff. Unfortunately last year at that time my nails were not suitable for blog so I couldn't show you this plate on them, but I hope this year my nails will be better. All pictures from the plate transfer well onto the stamper and nails. This image plate costs 5.05 USD dollars. Here is how pictures transfer onto paper. I used Golden Rose Paris 71 nail polish for this demo. 

Prvi put imam malu zamerku za KKCenterHK. Zelela sam ovaj set jer na sajtu ovaj odstranjivac viska laka ima metalni deo a ustvari dobije se obicni plasticni. Ovakvih plasticnih imam dosta i bas sam zelela da probam metalni jer sam mislila da bi bolje obavljao posao. Ali dobro, sta sad. Rade dobro, ako se upotrebe na pravi nacin, potrebno je malo vezbe i poznavanje tehnike. Kostaju 4.50 USD dolara. 

This would be the first time I have a little complaint for KKCenterHK. I wanted this set because on the site the scraper has that metal part but I got the normal, plastic one. I have a lot of plastic ones so I really wanted to try out the metal one because I thought It would work better, but oh well. They both work fine If you know how to use them properly and If you know the technique. This set costs 4.50 USD dollars. 

Sve u svemu zadovoljna sam svim proizvodima koje sam imala prilike da probam sa njihovog sajta.

All in all, I'm satisfied with all products I had a chance to try from their site.

Pokusavam da namestim osvetljenje u koje se uopste ne razumem. Eksperimentisacu dok ne dodjem do najboljeg moguceg resenja. Najvecih problema s blogom imam oko slikanja i osvetljenja ustvari, to je jedan od razloga sto ne objavljujem cesto. Pored ovakve "opreme" koju posedujem nemam zelju za slikanjem. Volim da je sve savrseno, a daleko je od toga. Solidan fotoaparat necu jos dugo moci sebi i blogu da priustim pa cu pokusati da izvucem najbolje iz ovoga sto imam. Zao mi je ako vam slike kvare dozivljaj, zaista. Znam da nisu nesto, ali trudim se i trudicu se. Ako neko ima neki savet, uvek je dobrodosao. :]

I'm try to set the lighting, and I barely know anything about it. I will experiment until I come up with the best option. The biggest problems on blog I have with taking pictures and lighting, actually. That's one of the reasons I don't post very often. Because my camera is lame and my lighting too, I don't have a wish to take pictures. I love everything to be perfect, and my pictures are far from perfect. I won't be able to afford solid camera soon so I will try to make the best with what I have. I'm really sorry If you don't like the pictures. I know they are not the best but I am and I will try to make them better. If someone has any advice, they are welcome. :]

5 Aug 2013

The Sweet Blueberry Face Scrub

Ovih dana mi je nazalost nokat na malom prstu gadno pukao i ne verujem da ce se oporaviti skoro, a da ne bih zapostavila blog objavljivacu malo drugacije postove, ne toliko vezane za nokte koliko za sminku i lepotu. Odavno mi se vrzmaju ideje po glavi da prosirim teme na blogu a mislim da je sada pravo vreme da ih i realizujem. :]

U pravi trenutak javila mi se Michelle koja radi u spa centru blizu New York-a koja je zelela da sa mojim citaocima podeli svoje znanje o kozi, savete i recept za organski piling od borovnica. Nadam se da ce vam neki od ovih saveta biti od koristi! Evo sta Michelle kaze...

Upoznajte svoju kozu

Topliji meseci tokom proleca i leta ostavice vasu kozu veoma masnom ili dehidriranom. Toplota ce neizbezno povecati kolicinu sebuma na kozi zbog znojenja. Medjutim usled toplote i dehidratacije koza ce nastojati da poveca prozvodnju sebuma da bi se suprotstavila suvom i toplom vazduhu. 

Eksfolijacija je neophodna pogotovo tokom proleca i leta. Uklanjajuci mrtve celije koze dobijate cistiju i sveziju kozu lica. Iako postoji bezbroj proizvoda za eksfolijaciju koze, svi su puni grubih hemikalija i neprirodnih sastojaka. Takvi proizvodi mogu eventualno ostetiti vasu kozu. 

Prirodni pilinzi napravljeni od organskih sastojaka kao sto su ovseno brasno (granule), voce ili maslinovo ulje mogu uciniti cuda za vasu kozu. Neki sastojci mogu izvesti pojedine funkcije u pilingu koje upotrebljavaju specijalisti u spa centru "Skana" u odmaralistu "Turning Stone" u New York-u gde vam mogu pomoci da nadjete najbolje resenje za vasu kozu. 

Pri kupovini odgovarajuceg pilinga za lice treba gledati blage sastojke kao sto su ovseno brasno (granule), pirinac, granule jojobe ili brasno badema. Ovakvi proizvodi bi takodje trebali da sadrze med ili ovas da podpomognu smirivanje koze. Odredjeni proizvodi mogu pomoci uvodjenje antioksidanata u kozu, ako sto su smrvljeno seme grozdja. Kvalitetan proizvod za eksfolijaciju treba da sadrzi grub tj hrapav sastojak, ali nista sto bi moglo da nasteti prirodnoj teksturi koze kao sto je morska so ili smrvljeni orasi. 

Pravljenje sjajnog pilinga kod kuce je izuzetno lako. Piling od borovnica nije samo lako napraviti vec nudi zaista neverovatne rezultate. 

Kako biste poceli:

  • Izgnjecite punu saku borovnica u posudi.
  • Dodajte jednu kafenu kasicicu smedjeg secera.
  • Dodajte malu kolicinu meda.
  • Nezno pomesajte ta tri sastojka zajedno.
Ovaj piling nezno umasirajte u vlaznu kozu i isperite toplom vodom. Piling je dovoljno nezan da se koristi svaki dan, ali da bi dao najbolje rezultate najbolje je uvek koristiti ga sveze napravljen. Piling je napravljen od prirodnih sastojaka koji nece ostetiti osetljivu kozu lica. Smedji secer omogucuje pilingu taj grub sastojak ali je takodje i izvor glikolne kiseline. Borovnice su poznate kao "super hrana" i sadrze antioksidanse koji pomazu da se koza "nahrani" i da se uklone sve necistoce i mrtve celije. Takodje pomazu prosvetljavanje monotone koze pruzajuci joj blistav sjaj. Med je sjajan sastojak takodje. Ne samo da cisti kozu vec je osobadja od stetnih sastojaka i omeksava je u tom procesu.   

Unfortunately my nail  broke these days and I don't think It will grow soon, and because I don't want to make pause until It grows I will try to post a little bit different kind of things, more related to make up and beauty and less related to nails. I was thinking about adding more posts about make up to my blog and I think now It's the perfect time.  :]

In the right time I got e-mail from Michelle who works in spa in NY and wanted to share tips about skin with my readers and recipe for blueberry face scrub. I hope that you will find some of these tips useful! :] Here's what Michelle says...

Know your skin

The warmer months of spring and summer will leave skin feeling either incredibly oily or dehydrated. The heat will inevitably increase the amount of oil from perspiration on the skin. However, due to the heat and dehydration, skin will tend to increase it's oil production to counteract against the heat's dry air.

Exfoliation is imperative in the spring and summer seasons. By removing the dead skin cells and bringing out a fresher, cleaner skin underneath, exfoliation can be a great way to jump start the season's new skin care routine. Although there are numerous exfoliation products on the market, they are full of harsh chemicals and unnatural ingredients. These products could potentially harm your skin. 

Natural scrubs made from organic ingredients such as oatmeal, fruit, and even olive oil can do wonders for skin. Certain ingredients can perform certain functions in a scrub so utilizing the specialists at the Skana Spa of New York State Resort; Turning Stone, can help find the best options for a person's specific skin issues.
When shopping for a proper exfoliating scrub for facial use, it is smart to look for gentle ingredients such as oatmeal, rice, jojoba beads, or almond meal. Exfoliation products should also contain oat or honey to help calm skin. Certain products can help infuse antioxidants into the skin such as crushed grape seeds. A quality exfoliation product should also contain a coarse ingredient but nothing that can harm the skin's texture such as sea salt or crushed nuts. 

Creating a great scrub at home is incredibly easy. The Sweet Blueberry Scrub is not only easy to make but offers truly amazing results. 

To get started:
  • Mash one handful of blueberries up in a bowl.
  • Add one teaspoon of brown sugar.
  • Add small amount of honey.
  • Mix the three ingredients gently. 

This scrub can be gently massaged onto damp skin and then rinsed off with warm water. The scrub is gentle enough to use each day but it should be made fresh for each use to offer the best results possible. 
The Sweet Blueberry Scrub is made with all natural ingredients that will not harm the sensitive skin of the face. The brown sugar provides the scrub with exfoliating qualities but it is also a natural source of glycolic acid. Blueberries are known as a super food and are packed with antioxidants to help nourish the skin and clean away and dirt or debris. They will also help brighten up dull skin and offers a radiant glow. The honey is a great ingredient, too. It not only cleans the skin but will also rid the skin of harmful toxins and soften it in the process.

Verujem da necemo posetiti spa u kojem radi ali se nadam da ce recept posluziti onima koji vole da se igraju kod kuce. :D

Do sledeceg posta.. <3

Until next post.. <3