Danas za vas imam slatka zelena stopala iz KKCenterHk! ^^ Plava i zelena stopala - vodene nalepnice, kako su naznacene na sajtu, dolaze u kesici kao i vecina njihovih proizvoda. Na jednom listicu ima 26 slicica koje kostaju 2.82 americkih dolara. Posto je ovo prvi put da koristim ovakve nalepnice napravila sam i mali tutorial u slikama da vidite kako sam ih ja upotrebila. Nalepnice se vrlo lako postavljaju na nokat, potrebno je samo malo vezbe da biste shvatili kako sve to funkcionise.
Today I have cute green feet from KKCenterHk for you! ^^ Blue and green feet water decals as It says on the site come in a little plastic bag like most of their products. On one sheet you get 26 pictures which cost 2.82 american dollars. Because It's my first time using this kind of stickers I made a short tutorial in pictures to show you how I used them. It's very easy to apply them on a nail but you will need to practice a little bit and figure out what is the best way for you to use them.
Today I have cute green feet from KKCenterHk for you! ^^ Blue and green feet water decals as It says on the site come in a little plastic bag like most of their products. On one sheet you get 26 pictures which cost 2.82 american dollars. Because It's my first time using this kind of stickers I made a short tutorial in pictures to show you how I used them. It's very easy to apply them on a nail but you will need to practice a little bit and figure out what is the best way for you to use them.
1. Izaberite pozadinu za svoje vodene nalepnice i sacekajte da se potpuno osusi! Ja sam odabrala Essie Mint Candy Apple.
1. Choose a background colour for you water decals and wait until It's completely dry! I chose Essie Mint Candy Apple.
2. Sa papira isecite slicicu koju zelite da postavite na nokat.
2. From the sheet cut off a picture you would like to use.
3. Pincetom uhvatite slicicu i potopite je u vodu na 15-ak sekundi.
3. Take a sticker with tweezers and deep it into water for about 15 seconds.
4. Papiric ce se natopiti vodom i slicica ce lako skliznuti s njega.
4. Paper will be wet and the sticker will easily slide off.
5. Sto je pre moguce postavite slicicu na zeljeno mesto na noktu. Imacete vremena do je slicica jos uvek mokra. Mozete primetiti da je slicica malo zguzvana...
5. As soon as possible place the sticker on a nail. You will have a few seconds to choose a place for it, until It's still wet. You can notice that sticker is a little bit wrinkly...
6. Ne brinite jer ce nadlak to resiti!
6. Don't worry because top coat will solve that problem!
I to je to! :] Nadam se da vam se dopalo. Do sledeceg vikenda.. :*
And that's It! :] I hope you like it. Until next weekend.. :*