Pozdrav dragi moji! ^___^
Kako ste mi? Uzivate li u vikendu? Ja sam nazalost morala da ustanem rano, da "Ocistim Srbiju" :D. Ali je prevruce i setati napolju a kamoli raditi fizicki posao. :S Nadam se da ste bar vi bili u nekoj rashladjenoj prostoriji uzivajuci. :D
Evo obecanog tutorijala za water marble, jeste da malo kasnim ali znam da me razumete, kraj je skole pa non stop neka ispitivanja. :] Odmah cu reci da nisam zadovoljna kako sam odradila ovaj tutorial, znam da mogu bolje. Problem je u tome, sto je suluda ideja raditi water marble na +30C, pogotovo napolju i pogotvo ako nemate klima uredjaj. Znaci, nemojte ni pokusavati jer necete uspeti, samo cete se iznervirati kao ja. :P Radila sam vise od pet puta, potrosila skoro vise od pola oba laka, skuvala se na suncu... Lak se previse brzo susi, temperatura vode je veca od pozeljne, lakici su na pola bocice pa je bilo tesko izvuci i jednu kap laka.. Ma, sve je protiv mene danas! :'D Tako da, izvinjavam se unapred na losem tutorialu, bice vise teksta nego slika ali nadam se da cete razumeti ono najbitnije. Tutorial je pravljen kao da nikad niste radili water marble tako da ce, nadam se, biti koristan pocetnicima. Mogu da obecam da ovo nece biti poslednji tutorial. :] <3
Hello my lovelies! ^____^
How are you? Do you enjoy the weekend? Unfortunately, I had to get up very early to join the "Let's clean the Serbia" (once a year there's an event when people clean our country, going around the parks and streets collecting the trash.. ). :D Today is soooo hot outside, so It's too much even for a walk, so you can imagine how difficult is to work in the sun. :S I hope that you were in some cool room, enjoining. :D
Here's the promised tutorial for water marble, I know I'm late and I know that you understand that the end of the school year is very close and that I need to study more. :] I have to say that I'm not satisfied how I've done this tutorial, I know I can do It better. Problem is that is crazy to do a water marble on +30C, especially outside and especially if you don't have air conditioner (or cooler? :D I don't know XD). So, don't even try to do water marble because you will fail and you'll be very angry just like me. :P I've done It more than five times, used more then half of both polishes, cooked on the sun... Nail polish just dry too fast when It's hot like this, temperature of the water is higher then we want it to be, my polishes are half spent so It was very difficult to take out even one drop of the polish. Oh well, everything is against me today! :'D So, I apologize for a bad tutorial, there will be more text then photos but I hope you'll understand and learn something. Tutorial was made like you've never done a water marble before, so I hope, will be good for beginners. I can just promise this won't be the last tutorial. :] <3
Potrebno vam je:
- Destilovana voda. Mozete je naci u skoro svakoj prodavnici. Za mene ona najbolje odradi posao. Treba da bude sobne temperature (oko 20C) zato je ne cuvajte u frizideru ili na suncu.
- Casa manjeg precnika. Cini mi se da su one plasticne za jednokratnu upotrebu najbolje. Mada jos uvek sam u fazi isprobavanja posuda za water marble.
- Par cackalica ili drveni stapic.
- Lakovi, base i top coat.
- Samolepljiva traka.
- Makaze.
What you need:
- Distilled water. For me It works the best. It has to be room temperature (about 20C) so don't keep it in the fridge or in the sun.
- Plastic cup of smaller diameter. I think for now It works the best, but I'm still exploring what's the best for water marble.
- A few toothpicks or orange sticks.
- Nail polishes, base and top coat.
- Some scotch tape.
- Scissors.
1. Namazite base coat i sacekajte par minuta da se osusi. Zatim oblepite prst samolepljivom trakom. Ovo mozete a ne morate uraditi, ali ako ne oblepite prst imacete mnogo vise nereda i mnogo vise posla oko skidanja laka sa koze. :P Tako da je preporucljivo.
1. Apply your favourite base coat and wait few minutes for it to dry. Then apply a scotch tape around your nail. You can skip this step but you'll have a lot to clean and much more mess.
2. Namazite jedan sloj laka. Praktikujem da namazem onaj koji je manje pigmentovan. Mozete i namazati onaj lak koji zelite da bude vidljiviji ili samo beli lak. Ne morate cekati da se osusi. Ja sam koristila plavi, Essence Colour And Go 53 You Belong To Me jer je slabije pigmentovan od ljubicastog.
2. Apply one coat of polish. I always apply the polish that is less pigmented. You can also use the polish that you want to be more visible or just a white polish. You don't have to wait for this to dry. I used blue, Essence Colour And Go 53 You Belong To Me because It is less pigmented then purple one.
3. E sad ide komplikovaniji deo. Jednu kap laka kapnete na povrsinu (2 ili 3 kapi ako je lak manje pigmentovan). Zatim drugi. I sve tako u krug dok god lak hoce da se siri po vodi. Za ovaj dizajn (u obliku zvezde ili cveta koji sam ja radila, mada vise lici na neki vrtlog) pozeljno je napraviti sto vise "krugova" u vodi. Moji se nisu sirili jer su se prebrzo susili zbog visoke temperature. Ne odustajte odmah ako vam se lakovi ne sire, morate pronaci one sa kojima mozete raditi WM.
3. And here comes the complicated part. One drop (two or three drops if the polish has bad pigmentation) of the polish you put on the surface of the water. Then you put the other polish. And so on until it's spreading well. For this design (star or petal shape that I've done, but it looks more like swirl) you want to make as much "circles" as possible in the water. Mine didn't spread well because It was too hot and the polish dried too fast. Don't give up If the polishes don't spread well, you have to find polishes that work for WM.
4. Sada je vreme da napravite saru. Cackalicom povucite od sredine ka krajevima, sa donje i gornje strane.
4. Now It's time to make a design. Take a toothpick and from the center pull up to the top and down to the bottom.
5. Sada isto to uradite i sa leve i desne strane. Znaci iz centra cackalicom polako vucete ka jednoj strani a zatim i drugoj. Visak laka sa cackalice mozete obrisati ili jednostavno uzeti drugu cackalicu. Mozete da primetite da mi ovaj deo nije dobro ispao jer se lak vec osusio.
5. Now do the same thing one the left and right. So, slowly pull the polish to the one side and then to another. Remove the excess polish from the toothpick or just take another one. You can see that I failed this part because polish was dried.
6. Sada, uradite isto izmedju vec povucenih delova. Tesko za objasniti ali nadam se da ce vam biti jasnije kada vidite sliku.
6. Now, do the same thing again in between those sides we already "pulled". It's difficult to explain but I hope picture will.
7. Sada pravimo vrtlog i to je ujedno poslednji korak za dizajn. Svaku prazninu izmedju povucenih linija polako povucemo ka centru (od kraja case ka sredini). Trudite se da svaki put, kada dodjete do centra, zavrsite u istoj tacki. Jako tesko objasniti. :D
7. Now we need to make a swirl and that's the last step for the design. Every empty space between the pulled lines we slowly pull to the center (from the edge of the cup to the center). When you pull the polish try to always end in the same dot.
8. Ravnomerno zaronite prst u vodu. Cackalicom ili jos bolje debljim drvenim stapicem ocistite povrsinu vode od laka. Pogledajte da li su se neki mehurici uhvatili za povrsinu nokta. Ako su blizu kraja, blizu zanoktice, polako ih izvucite na povrsinu vode. Polako izvucite nokat iz vode.
8. Put your finger in the water. With toothpick or even better with orange stick clean the water surface. Take a look at the nail, If there's some bubbles on the edge, near the cuticles, slowly pull it out. Now slowly pull out the finger.
9. Makazama odsecite traku. Ocistite prst i sacekajte da se lak osusi. Zatim namazite top coat i to je to! :]
9. With the scissors remove the tape. Clean the finger and wait for the nail polish to dry. Apply a top coat and you're done! :]
Nemojte se razocarati ako vam ne ispadne dobro iz prvog, pa ni iz desetog puta. Ja nokte radim vec 3 godine, ucim, vezbam, pa cak ni ja ne uradim water marble savrseno. :] Treba dosta vezbe, strpljenja, isprobavanje lakova, posuda, vode.. Svega. Samo bez nerviranja i odustajanja! ^^ Nadam se da sam vam bar malo pomogla. Ljubim vas do sledeceg posta! :* :* :*
Don't be disappointed if you don't like the result after your first try, not even after several. I'm doing my nails for three years, I learn, I practice, and even I don't do it perfect. :] You need to practice a lot, to be patient, trying polishes, bowls, water.. Everything. Just don't be angry and don't give up! ^^ I hope I helped even a little. Kisses until next post! :* :* :*