Drage moje, pre nego sto predjem na recenziju, zelim da vam pozelim najuspesniju, najlepsu i najsrecniju Novu godinu! Nadam se da cete ostvariti sve sto nameravate, da cete voleti i biti voljene i nadam se da cete imati mnogo onih malih savrsenih momenata. :) <3
My dears, before I start with the topic of this post, I just want to wish you the happiest New Year! I hope that everything you put your mind to will come true in this year. I hope you will love and be loved more than ever and that you will have a lot of those little, perfect moments! :) <3
Danas vam pisem o privremenim metalik tetovazama sa
Born Pretty Store, koje su fantasticne za toplije vreme.
Tetovaze dolaze upakovane u providnu foliju i vrlo je verovatno da ce se izguzvati tokom transporta, tako da savetujem da ih presujete par dana pre upotrebe. Trenutno kostaju samo 0.99$. Na jednom papiru je uglavnom miks srebrnih i zlatnih. Na sajtu mozete birati izmedju cetiri razlicita dizajna.
Today I'm writing about temporary metallic tattoos from Born Pretty Store, which are fantastic for warmer weather. Tattoos come packaged in transparent foil and they will probably crease due to transportation, so I suggest you press them between some books, few days before use. Currently they cost only 0.99$. On one sheet you will get a mix of silver and gold. On site you can choose from four different designs.
Tetovaze naravno imaju metalik zavrsnicu. Izgledaju prelepo, pogotovo na suncu. Divno se presijavaju i mislim da ce na preplanulom tenu biti divan ukras i nakit. Tetovaze ce vam trajati jedno vece tj jednu posebnu priliku, eventualno jedan ceo dan ako budete jako pazljivi. Vec sledeci dan pocete polako da se skidaju sa koze tj krzaju jer su u obliku nekog lepka i nece izgledati jako privlacno. Mozete ih skinuti jako lako uz pomoc neke kreme i maramice, nekog ulja ili tople vode i sapuna, sve uz malo jaci pritisak.
Tattoos of course have a metallic finish. They look gorgeous, especially in the sun. They shine beautifully and I think they will be an amazing addition on tanned skin. Tattoos will last only one night or one special occasion, maybe even a day If you're extra careful. The very next day It will slowly start to peel off since It is some kind of glue, and that won't look very nice. Luckily, you can remove them very easily with any cream and tissue, oil or just a warm water and soap, with a little more pressure.

Preporucujem da ih nanesete tek kada ste ste skroz spremili, neka vam lepljenje tetovaze bude poslednji korak pred polazak. Nanosite ih na ociscenu i suvu kozu. Ja sam svaku isekla posebno. Preko tetovaza nalazi se tanka, providna folija koju skidate neposredno pre nanosenja. Nakon sto ste isekli i uklonili film, tetovazu nanesite na zeljeni deo tela. Posto je lepljiva, jako lepo ce leci na kozu. Nakon toga, prislonite mokru krpu dok se papir ne navlazi i dok ne osetite da klizi sa koze. Moci cete vrlo lako da uklonite papir, dok vam na kozi ostaje nova tetovaza.
I suggest you apply them as a last step in your getting ready routine, just before leaving. Apply them on clean and dry skin. I cut every tattoo separately. Over the tattoos is a very thin, transparent, protective foil which you should remove right before applying. After you cut and remove the foil, put the wanted tattoo on the skin. Since It is sticky, It will apply very nicely on the skin. Gently press a wet cloth onto the paper and wait until It slides off. You will be able to remove that paper very easily and you will be left with your new tattoo.
Ja sam tetovaze uklopila uz manikir i nanela ih na prste i saku. Lakovi koje sam koristila za srebrni manikir su Don Juan beli lak iz seta za francuski manikir, Golden Rose Gel Look Top Coat i Essence Marble Mania 03 Silver Twister.
I added tattoos to my manicure by applying them to my hand and fingers. Polishes I used for silver manicure are Don Juan white french, Golden Rose Gel Look Top Coat and Essence Marble Mania 03 Silver Twister.
Skinite zastitnu foliju. Remove protective foil.
Zalepite na zeljeno mesto. Place It and stick it on wanted position.
Dobro nakvasite papir. Wet the paper well.
I to je to! And that is it!
Zatim sam se malo igrala sa toplijim nijansama. Crveni lak je dobro poznati Don Juan One Coat OC224 sa Golden Rose Gel Look Top Coat lakom preko i zlatnim tetovazama.
Then I played around a little bit with a warmer shades. Red nail polish is well known Don Juan One Coat OC224 with Golden Rose Gel Look Top Coat over It and gold tatoos.
Mogucnosti je zaista bezbroj, mozete ih naneti bilo gde na telu, uklopiti sa odecom, nakitom, sminkom, lakovima... Nositi srebrne, zlatne ili ih mesati. Jako su zabavne i mogu se divno uklopiti u neki, za vas, poseban momenat. Nadam se da ste ih probali do sad, da vam se dopada moj post i da sam vam dala neku novu ideju. :)
Possibilities are endless, you can apply these tattoos anywhere on the body so they can match you clothes, jewelry, makeup, nail polishes... You can wear silver, gold or mix them together. They are very fun to wear and play with and can be a part of your special occasion. I hope you already tried them, I hope you liked my post and that you got some new ideas! :)