7 Jun 2016

It's All About Eyelashes

Cao! ^_^ 

Opet vam pisem o beauty stvarcici sa Born Pretty Store sajta. U pitanju su ove prelepe vestacke trepavice u koje sam se zaljubila kada su mi stigle!

Hi! ^_^

I'm writing about another cute thing I got from Born Pretty Store. I fell in love when I got these gorgeous false eyelashes

U ovom slatkom, plasticnom pakovanju nalazi se pet para vestackih trepavica, vrlo prirodnog ali dramaticnog izgleda. Trepavice imaju vrlo tanku i savitljivu osnovu koja omogucava lako oblikovanje i nanosenje. Dlacice razlicitih duzina su postavljene unakrsno, guste su i tanke - zato izgledaju dosta prirodno. Napravljene su od vestackog materijala, medjutim jako su fleksibilne, mekane i prijatne na ocima. 

In this cute, plastic packaging you get five pairs of dramatic but natural looking false eyelashes. Lashes have very thin and flexible band, so you can easily bend and apply them. Thin hairs are placed densely, crisscross and are different length - that's why they look pretty natural. Lashes are made of artificial fiber, but they are very soft and comfortable on the eyes.

Sa unutrasnje strane pakovanja mozete naci pomalo smesno uputstvo za upotrebu trepavica. :'D 

  • Uvijte vase trepavice i stavite maskaru, sacekajte da se osusi. 
  • Trepavice su pricvrscene za pakovanje lepkom, zato ih pazljivo rukama ili jos bolje, pincetom, polako odlepite i uklonite taj lepak. 
  • Prislonite ih na oko, izmerite da li vam duzina odgovara. Ukoliko su duze nego sto vam je potrebno, kratite ih malo po malo, sa SPOLJASNJE strane. Nikada sa unutrasnje, jer se sa unutrasnje strane nalaze krace trepavice koje na tom delu oka izgledaju mnogo bolje nego duge dlacice.
  • Nanesite tanak sloj lepka za vestacke trepavice po izboru, duz osnove trepavica, a mrvicu vise lepka na same krajeve.  
  • Sacekajte oko pola minuta da se lepak blago osusi, a zatim uz pomoc pincete stavite na oko sto je blize moguce vasim prirodnim trepavicama. Sacekajte da se lepak skroz osusi. 
  • Po zelji mozete naneti ajlajner, pre i posle nanosenja trepavica, kako biste sakrili visak lepka i kako bi trepavice izgledale sto prirodnije. Mozete naneti jos malo maskare i ponovo sve zajedno lagano uviti, kako bi se vestacke trepavice lepo sjedinile s vasim.

On the inside of the packaging you can find quite funny instruction. :'D 

  • Curl your natural lashes, apply your favourite mascara and wait for it to dry completely.
  • Lashes are secured on the plastic with some glue, so before use gently peel them off with tweezers and remove that glue. 
  • Place them on the eye to see if they fit you right. If they are longer than necessary, cut them lash by lash from the OUTER edge, never on the inner edge because shorter lashes look better on the inside than longer hairs. 
  • Apply thin layer of false eyelash glue of choice on the band, and a little more on the ends. 
  • Wait for it to dry a bit for about thirty seconds and apply them with tweezers, as close as possible to your own lashes. Wait for the glue to dry completely. 
  • If you wish you can apply eyeliner as well, before and after applying lashes - to hide glue and band, and achieve more natural look. Also, you can add more mascara and curl everything again, very gently, to stick your lashes with the false ones.  

Duzina, gustina i uvijenost ovih trepavica mi se jako svidja, skroz je po mom ukusu, kao i taj dovoljno dramatican a opet nekako prirodan izgled trepavica na ocima. Ja imam sitnije oci ali trepavice su mi lepo sele, tako da mislim da ce svima lepo stajati. Iako nemam mnogo iskustva sa nanosenjem i upotrebom vestackih trepavica, mogu da vam ih preporucim, mislim da ce vam se ove svideti. 

I really like length, density and curl of these lashes, that dramatic yet natural look on the eyes is really perfect for my taste. I have smaller eyes but these lashes look nice on me, so I think they should look good on most eye shapes and sizes. Even though I didn't try many false eyelashes I think I can freely recommend you these. 

Ukoliko vrlo pazljivo rukujete ovim trepavicama i nezno ih ocistite nakon upotrebe (od lepka i maskare, stapicem i sredstvom za uklanjanje sminke sa ociju), mogu vam dugo potrajati i mozete ih nositi i vise puta. One su na sajtu trenutno na popustu i kostaju samo 2.79$

If you handle these false eyelashes very gently and if you clean them after use (to remove glue and mascara that stuck to them, with some cotton sticks and eye makeup remover) they can last you very long time, and you will be able to wear them more then once. They are currently on a sale for only 2.79$. 

I to je to sto se ovog posta tice, nadam se da vam se dopao! Pisite mi, da li volite i nosite vestacke trepavice, koje su vam omiljene? :) Imate li neke preporuke sto se tice lepka za vestacke trepavice? U potrazi sam za novim. Ukoliko zelite da porucite nesto sa Born Pretty Store sajta, mozete iskoristiti kupon kod FGB10 za 10% popusta za proizvode koji nisu vec snizeni. Postarina je uvek besplatna! 
Do sledeceg posta... <3

And this is it for this post, I hope you liked It! Write to me, do you like and wear false eyelashes, which ones are your favourite? :) Do you have any suggestions for false eyelash glue? I'm looking for a new one. If you want to order something from Born Pretty Store, you can always use coupon code FGB10 for 10% off of your purchase, for items that aren't already on a sale. Shipping is free worldwide! :)
Until next post... <3

17 May 2016

Shells & Pearls

Cao! :] 

Danas imam priliku da vam pokazem slicice dva divna komada nakita koje sam dobila sa Born Pretty Store sajta! 

Hey! :]

Today I have a chance to show you two cute jewelry pieces I got from Born Pretty Store

U pitanju su mindjusice i lancic srebrne boje. Oba komada su morskog, letnjeg i neznog dizajna. Na otvorenoj skoljci nalaze se mali, beli biseri. Bice divan ukras za predstojece leto, pogotovo ako idete na more. :)

I got these earrings and necklace in silver color. Both pieces are summery, girly and subtle. Just a small, white pearl on top of an open shell. They will be perfect for upcoming season, especially if you are going somewhere near the sea. :) 

Mindjuse dolaze u paru, sem u srebrnoj boji na sajtu ih mozete naci i u zlatnoj. Napravljene su od legure i ako se ne varam, plastike. U precniku su oko 1,3 cm i njihova trenutna cena je 1.61$ na popustu. 

Earrings come in a pair and except in silver, you can get them in gold color as well. They are made of alloy and plastic, If I am not wrong. They are about 1.3 cm wide and their current price is 1.61$ on a sale. 

Lancic takodje dolazi i u zlatnoj boji. Privezak je precnika isto kao i mindjuse, oko 1,3 cm a sam lancic je dugacak 51 cm. Materijal je legura i plastika. Njegova trenutna cena je na popustu i iznosi 1.73$

Necklace comes in a gold color as well. Pendant is about 1.3 cm wide and the chain itself is 51 cm long. Material is the same as the earrings, alloy and plastic. It's currently on a sale for only 1.73$.

Lancic je nesto svetliji od mindjusa, medjutim to nije toliko primetno. Posto je ovaj nakit jako pristupacan, njegov materijal nije najkvalitetniji. Vremenom ce svakako promeniti boju, ali ukoliko ga ne kvasite i izbegavate da nanosite parfeme i druge sprejeve preko njega, trajace vam bar godinu dana. 

Necklaces' color is a bit lighter than earrings', but It's not that noticeable. Since this kind of jewelry is very affordable, Its' materials are not the best quality. Over time It will change color for sure, but If you keep it out of water and don't spray it with perfume and stuff, It can last you at least a year. 

Ukoliko volite nezan i girly nakit, na Born Pretty Store sajtu ga zaista ima mnogo i to po vrlo pristupacnim i snizenim cenama! Za cene koje nisu snizene mozete iskoristiti kod FGB10 za 10% popusta! Postarina je besplatna sirom sveta! Do sledeceg posta... <3

If you like subtle and girly jewelry like the one in this post, Born Pretty Store has plenty, and It's usually affordable and on a sale! If It's not on a sale you can use coupon code FGB10 for 10% off of your purchase! Shipping is free world wide too. Until next post... <3

29 Mar 2016

Love For Midi Rings

Danas vam pisem o poslednjem komadu nakita sa Lady Queen sajta, najsladje sam ostavila za kraj! :) Radi se o setu "midi" prstenja.  

Today I'm writing about last piece of jewelry from Lady Queen, I saved the best for last! :) It's about this adorable set of midi rings

Naravno, stiglo je neosteceno s obzirom da je bilo dobro ususkano u baloncice. :) Set se sastoji od cetiri midi prstencica, srebrne boje i razlicitog dizajna. Trenutno ga mozete naci na akciji za 2.99$.

Of course It came undamaged 'cause It was bundled up in bubble wrap. :) This set contains four silver midi rings in different design. Currently you can find It on a sale for a 2.99$.  

Sto se tice materijala, u pitanju je legura. Prstenje nije promenilo boju iako sam ga nosila mnogo puta, cak i po kisi. Svakako se trudite da ne perete ruke s njim kako bi vam  duze trajalo. Svo prstenje je promera 14 mm dok je "Love" prsten nesto manji, 13 mm. Svi sem njega mi odgovaraju i na malom prstu, kao regularan prsten. 

Material is alloy and for now It didn't change Its original color. I wore It a lot, even in the rain, but try to take care of them and don't wash your hands with them on, so It stays perfect for a long time. All rings are 14 mm in size and they fit normally on my smallest finger, except "Love" ring which is 13 mm. 

Zaista su jako lepi. Ja obozavam srebrni nakit i nakit u boji srebra. Svaki prsten ponaosob je jako nezan, ali kada ih nosite sve zajedno postaju upadljiviji i zapazeni. :)

They are really pretty. I love silver and silver colored jewelry. Every ring is very dainty, but when you wear them all together they become eye catching. :)

Nadam se da ste uzivali u slikama i postu! Kao i uvek, ukoliko vam se nesto sa Lady Queen sajta dopada, ne zaboravite da iskoristite kupon kod QWGS15 i vasu porudzbinu platite 15% manje. :) Do sledeceg posta... <3 

I hope you enjoyed the photos and this post! As always, If you find something you like on Lady Queen site, don't forget to use a coupon code QWGS15 for 15% off. :) Until next post...  <3

13 Mar 2016

Leaf Necklace

Iiiii idemo jos jednom, jos jedan komad nakita sa Lady Queen sajta, jos jedna ogrlica. :) Kao sto sam vec rekla u svakom postu i ova ogrlica je dosla u svojoj zastitnoj kesici. 

And here we go again, another piece of jewelry from Lady Queen site, another necklace. :) As I said in every post, this necklace came in Its protective plastic bag too. 

Ogrlica se sastoji od lancica i dva priveska u obliku lista koja povezuju ogrlicu. Duzina lancica je 49 cm plus 5 cm dodatnog lancica tj dela na kojem se sama ogrlica kaci. Moze biti duza ili kraca a u zavisnosti od duzine izgledace drugacije. Listovi su 4 cm. Dolazi u srebrnoj i zlatnoj boji. 

Necklace has a chain and two leaf pendants that connect the necklace. Length of the chain is about 49 cm plus 5 cm chain for a clasp. It can be shorter or longer and Its look depends on the length. Leafs are 4 cm long. Necklace comes in silver and gold color. 

S obzirom da je ogrlica legura nepoznatih metala, za sada nije promenila boju. Za razliku od prethodne, ova se ne mrsi i mozete je slobodno drzati u kutijici za nakit. S prednje strane je sjajna dok pozadi ima zanimljiv reljef pa je mozda mozete nositi sa obe strane. Trenutno je na akciji i kosta samo 1.63$ pa ako vam se dopada - trk na sajt!

Necklace is alloy but for now It didn't change Its color. This necklace won't tangle so you can keep It in your jewelry box. From the front leafs are shiny and from the back they have some texture so I guess you could wear It both ways If you like It. Currently this necklace is on sale for 1.63$ so hurry up If you like it! 

A evo i par slicica kako izgleda kada se nosi. 

And here's a few pictures of how It looks on. 

Ukoliko vam se dopada bilo sta sa Lady Queen sajta ne zaboravite da iskoristite kupon kod QWGS15 za 15% popusta, kao i da imate besplatnu postarinu gde god da ste u svetu! Citamo se! :) <3 

If you like anything from Lady Queen site, don't forget to use coupon code QWGS15 for 15% off of your purchase and free shipping worldwide! Until next post! :) <3